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Monday, July 23, 2012

Day 3

This post is for 22/7/2012

En:3rd day wow it was hard I was very thirsty, and a bit hungry. But still a great day and scary night. At night as usually I dont sleep, soo I played SLENDERMAN the 1st game that realy scares me a cried like a little girl in the middle of the night, OMG dont play SLENDERMAN .NEVER.

Cet post est pour le 23/7/2012

Fr:WoW 3em jour. Javais soif et un peu faim. Mais cetai un supa journee. Le soir je joue SLENDERMAN. La 1ep jeu a qui je eu tellement peur, a minuit je pleure comme une petite filles. JAMAIS JOUE SLENDERMAN! ! DANGER !

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