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Saturday, July 21, 2012

DaY 2

This post is for the 21/7/2012

En: 2nd day wow I didnt even felt a bit hunger. A wake up at 1pm, because I slept at 5am. Then in the after-noon my parents went out, I played minecraft the wholeday. At 9:50 We invite some friends and our neighbor to eat with us. The was  my 2nd day!

CET post est pour le 21/6/2012

Fr:2em jour. WoW j'avais pas faim. Je me levais a 13h, car je dormais a 5h. Et lapres midi mes parents sont sorti, je joue minecraft tout lapres midi. Le soir, on a invite des amis et les voisin pour mangez avec nous. Voila cetai ma 2em jour de ramadan.

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