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Saturday, July 21, 2012

DaY 1

This post is for the 20/7/2012 En:1st day oh yeah. Ok its not really hard to fast. I slept @5am after the prayer of fajr and then I wake up @ noon. The rest of the day I didnt do anything special! Omg the prayer of icha was epic, my leg was hurting.

Cet post est pour le 20/6/2012 Fr:Ohyeah 1er jour. Jeuner cest par vraiment difficile. Je dormais a 5h du matin, apre la priere de fajr et puis je me suis leve a midi. Apres je pas vraiment de chose special. Omd la priere d'icha est difficile j'avais mal ala jambe.

Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.1

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