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Monday, July 23, 2012

Day 4

This post is for 23/7/2012

En:Boring. Nothing special. Oohh wait theres something I finish reading my book. Its my 1 first french book that I totally finish reading.Reading is like T,V or movie in my head.

Cet post est pour le 23/7/2012 Fr:Super ennui. Rien de special. Ooohh si il y quelque chose. Je termine de lire mon livre. Cest le 1er livre que je termine. Cest mega cool, lire cest comme tele, film dans mon cervaux.

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Day 3

This post is for 22/7/2012

En:3rd day wow it was hard I was very thirsty, and a bit hungry. But still a great day and scary night. At night as usually I dont sleep, soo I played SLENDERMAN the 1st game that realy scares me a cried like a little girl in the middle of the night, OMG dont play SLENDERMAN .NEVER.

Cet post est pour le 23/7/2012

Fr:WoW 3em jour. Javais soif et un peu faim. Mais cetai un supa journee. Le soir je joue SLENDERMAN. La 1ep jeu a qui je eu tellement peur, a minuit je pleure comme une petite filles. JAMAIS JOUE SLENDERMAN! ! DANGER !

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Saturday, July 21, 2012

DaY 2

This post is for the 21/7/2012

En: 2nd day wow I didnt even felt a bit hunger. A wake up at 1pm, because I slept at 5am. Then in the after-noon my parents went out, I played minecraft the wholeday. At 9:50 We invite some friends and our neighbor to eat with us. The was  my 2nd day!

CET post est pour le 21/6/2012

Fr:2em jour. WoW j'avais pas faim. Je me levais a 13h, car je dormais a 5h. Et lapres midi mes parents sont sorti, je joue minecraft tout lapres midi. Le soir, on a invite des amis et les voisin pour mangez avec nous. Voila cetai ma 2em jour de ramadan.

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DaY 1

This post is for the 20/7/2012 En:1st day oh yeah. Ok its not really hard to fast. I slept @5am after the prayer of fajr and then I wake up @ noon. The rest of the day I didnt do anything special! Omg the prayer of icha was epic, my leg was hurting.

Cet post est pour le 20/6/2012 Fr:Ohyeah 1er jour. Jeuner cest par vraiment difficile. Je dormais a 5h du matin, apre la priere de fajr et puis je me suis leve a midi. Apres je pas vraiment de chose special. Omd la priere d'icha est difficile j'avais mal ala jambe.

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Thursday, July 19, 2012


Hi in john. I converted in islam last 4 year. And this Ramadan ill gona make a complete fasting. From now on ill gona post my daily Ramadan expirience until the end of Ramadan. Please comment and join me in my fasting.

Salut je suis john. Je suis convertir en islam avant 4 ans. Et maintenant je vais essaiye de faire la Ramadan complete. Suivez moi sur mon Ramadan ,jeuner et la prie.