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Sunday, November 13, 2011



This is hysterical.
You have to try this.
It is absolutely true.
I guess there are some things that the brain cannot handle.


You have to try this please, it takes 2 seconds
I could not believe
this! It is from an orthopaedic surgeon..... .......
This will
confuse your mind and you will keep trying over and over again to see if you can outsmart your foot, but, you can't.
It is pre-programmed in your brain!

While sitting at your desk in front of your computer, lift
Your right foot off the floor and make clockwise circles.

2. Now, while doing this, draw the number '6' in the air
With your right hand. Your foot will change direction.

I told you so! And there's nothing you can do about it!
You and I both know how stupid it is, but before the
Day is done you are going to try it again, if you've not already done so.

Send it to your friends to frustrate them too !!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!

Friday, May 20, 2011

May 21st: End of the World or Zombie Apocalypse?

Could the world really be coming to an end tomorrow? Presuming you believe the biblical prediction from 89-year-old Harold Camping, May 21st, 2011 is undeniably Judgment Day. If you have confidence in that prophecy, you're probably not even reading this because you're too busy either A) preparing for the Rapture or B) sitting in your backyard bunker hoping to outwit annihilationism.
But not everyone is so quick to believe the Christian radio broadcaster's numbers for the End of Days. In numerology, you can find meaning in just about anything—and if you're hoping for Doomsday, that's what you'll get. But what if Saturday is indeed the start to the end of the world? Is it more likely to be God's hand that wipes out existence, or some biological weapons that, say... turns people into zombies?
If the thought of an infectious zombie virus spooks you more than supposed bible-mathematics, then you'll be pleased to know that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has got your back.

The recent CDC post, Preparedness 101: Zombie Apocalypse, uses the farcical flesh-eating living dead as an excuse to teach you about the necessity of real-life emergency planning. But it is also reassuring that the CDC would conduct a thorough investigation if zombies were spotted roaming the streets you'll be pleased to know that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has got your back., much like they would for any disease outbreak.
"CDC would provide technical assistance to cities, states, or international partners dealing with a zombie infestation. This assistance might include consultation, lab testing and analysis, patient management and care, tracking of contacts, and infection control (including isolation and quarantine). It’s likely that an investigation of this scenario would seek to accomplish several goals: determine the cause of the illness, the source of the infection/virus/toxin, learn how it is transmitted and how readily it is spread, how to break the cycle of transmission and thus prevent further cases, and how patients can best be treated. Not only would scientists be working to identify the cause and cure of the zombie outbreak, but CDC and other federal agencies would send medical teams and first responders to help those in affected areas."
What's on their list of survival requirements?
• Water
• Food
• Medications
• Tools and supplies
• Sanitation and hygiene
• Clothing and bedding
• Important documents
• First aid supplies
Seems pretty basic for a zombie attack, if you ask me. Where's the flamethrower? The shotgun? The hazmat suit? Or are those things just reserved for the CDC?

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

How to Multiply Large Numbers Easily

math hackThis math hack only works if one of your numbers is even, but it’s a quick way to manipulate numbers to get the answer you need quick.

Simply divide the even number by two, and multiply the second number by two until you get the simplest numbers possible.

For example:

32 x 125 is the same as:
16 x 250 is the same as:
8 x 500 is the same as:
4 x 1000 = 4,000

Check out 10 Easy Arithmetic Tricks for more math hacks.

Mental Photography

Get Smart, Increase Brain Power with Mental Photography

Get Smart, Increase Brain Power with

Mental Photography

Do want Good Grades, Study Little, AND Have a Life?

This is an issue that presents itself time and again. Students of all ages benefit when they increase brain power. Since the subconscious mind is the doer, put it to work for you to allow you to excel, and make your life more enjoyable. Good clear mind techniques are the vehicle. Like a muscle, your mind becomes stronger. Even thepower of thought over your obstacles becomes second nature.

It has been calculated you should study 2-3 hours for every hour you spend in class.That’s INSANE! But that is exactly what people do to achieve good grades in school. Why should we, the most advanced organisms on the planet be so ineffective at the one thing that sets above all other organisms – our ability to learn?

Just Imagine…

What if there was a way that you could cut your study time down to a mere fraction of what is required, get even better grades than before, have a life outside of school, and even enjoy going to school knowing it would be stress free and easy? What would you do to get it?

How serious are you about getting good grades?

A study was done back in the 1970s to find out what the ideal learning temperature is. The results of that research shows that we learn most effectively at 41 degrees Fahrenheit? The person that came up with that study, should be studied themselves. It’s excruciating – attempting to learn anything at that temperature. You are too busy trying to keep warm. I hope you can write with your mittens on.

While we are growing up and going through the rigors of what school means to us, we are constantly reminded that we need good (if not great) grades in school. But school is boring. Why are we still using methods of teaching from the 1800s in the school system of today? Sure there are some schools that teach outside of that forum, but most schools teach the same old way.

Bringing You Up to Speed…

Even into the 1950s you learned everything you needed to survive by 5th grade. After that, it was just extra. In the world of today, you cannot afford to stop learning – ever. The amount of information that we need, to be fluent in just one topic, is mind boggling. In 1995, over 1 million new books were written in that year. The amount of books written each year since has increased exponentially.

No wonder that students feel bored and unchallenged in school. There is a whole world of information out there and others want to deliver it to you as fast as you can take it in – the Internet. I remember when people programmed their own Commodore (PC). Now most PCs run in the Gigahertz range. Even though our mind is capable of assimilating information at these fantastic speeds, there is something getting in the way.

What is the constriction to this information flow? It is actually one of the first things that everyone is taught in school – READING. No wonder school is boring. Reading is at the heart of it all. All the while your mind is screaming out, “Give me more, I WANT IT!”

A Thought About Reading…

The general schooling systems ‘think’ they are doing a good job when it comes to ‘reading’. They think that because reading works for more than half of the children. So they pat each other on the back telling themselves how well they did. They are DELUSIONAL! When most people go to school, 50% is a FAILING grade. I guess they cannot abide by their own rules.

The Internal Dialog of a Student…

In Grade School it started. The typical parent / child conversation would go, “I just want to have fun. My friends are doing fun things, but I have to do homework. My parents say my grades aren’t good enough. I have trouble concentrating. School is boring.”

In High School, with a few more things we can be doing, but the dialog pretty much stays the same, “My friends are going out and having a fun time without me. I have to study too much to keep my grades up. I don’t have a social life. Why don’t the jocks need to study? If I study too much, I will be one of the geeks. If I do too well, nobody will like me. I want straight A’s, but I don’t want to work hard to get it. I want school to be easy and have fun with my friends.”

Finally, some of us go on to higher education. Our priorities have changed, we have taken on a pseudo-responsibility, but the internal dialog says, “And I thought high school was hard! I need to cheat just to keep my grades up. If my grades slide, I lose my student grant. How can I have a ‘life’ when all I do is go to class, study, and work to pay for what my tuition doesn’t? This sucks – I am so tired all of the time. Mom, can you wire me some money,…again? My social life is my computer. If I could only reduce my study time – I might have a life!” Thus reveals the life of another dysfunctional person.

Did you know,…

Statistically, a college graduate will spend 4-5 years getting a degree, spending on the average $80,000 for the degree, and will only make an additional $130,000 OVER THEIR ENTIRE LIFETIME. That’s only an earning of $50,000 extra. Most will settle into a field that has nothing to do with their degree, and almost none of them will ever use most of the information they have learned during college. If you are putting several years of YOUR LIFE into a degree, it better pay off better than that!

You Can Change That…

Starting today, you could start using your natural abilities to Super-Excel at whatever you desire. These are abilities you are born with – so you never lose them. Abilities that when activated, will propel you as far as you want to go. Did you ever wonder whychildren are Pure Genius? They are information sponges! You can be too, if you set aside the idea that Reading is the only way you can get information.

Somebody played a Vicious Evil Trick on you when you went to school. Instead of allowing you to learn as you had always learned everything so effectively, they taught you to Read. They even convinced you to let go of that ‘old childish way of learning’ – Your Photographic Memory. (The photographic memory in children is known as the Eidetic Memory.)

Did you know that you can regain (rebuild) access to your photographic memory? When you were born, it was completely turned on. Well, it still is. You just don’t know how to access it anymore.

We Will Show You How.

I teach people how to regain the access to and from their Photographic Memory. I teach Mental Photography. The act of performing Mental Photography super-excites the mind and exercises the brain in phenomenal ways. It taps into and exercises all of the regions of the brain, including your naturally occurring photographic memory. Since we are dealing with information based material and exercises, the photographic memory becomes less elusive, a little more obvious, and contactable. Thus we get to begin experiencing it with various types of recall from there.

Now, you may have been watching a few too many movies on television, and saw Total Recall or Rainman, but that is not quite how this is in reality. Recall is Not expected to be like someone turned on the lights. Usually it starts in more subtle ways. Maybe you start reading a book you have Mentally Photographed and you FEEL you have read it before, like deja vu. You may find yourself in a conversation that you really know nothing about the topic, or so you thought, until you start streaming out statistical data, or precise information on the topic. Then you realize you Mentally Photographed a book on that subject.

These are only a couple of examples of what is possible when you start seeing the recall happen – and it grows, it gets better, and more reliable as you continue to use the Mental Photography and the recall methods that stimulate the recall to happen even more. Another thing – do you really think that your ‘conscious’ mind that has been defending reading for all those years is going to just “let it happen” if the light bulb suddenly does come on? You will most likely find a resounding NO! It’s simply the nature of the beast.

We prepare you for the growth curve that you need to take on. We have been teaching this a very long time, and we know the best way for our clients to gain results with the techniques. We have had over 30 years to know what works.

But, Your Cheating!

If you are a student, and one your acquaintances has carried over a photographic recall memory from their childhood. If they use that ability to pass tests in school, are they cheating? The answer is NO. If you learn how to use the same ability for yourself and use it to answer your tests, are you cheating? You may be surprised of your answer. The answer is still NO, because everyone has these abilities. They are natural. Therefore, it is not cheating. But it IS the Ultimate Edge.

So if you want to see what the subconscious mind power can do for you, if you want ourmind techniques to release that huge ability you have, if you want to increase brain power and really make something of yourself, then you have come to the right place.

Study Easier Faster Smarter!

Great Things Happen

Top 12 Geeky Student Apps For Facebook

12 Geeky Facebook Apps for Students

Facebook is a great place to network, and also a great place to stay organized and productive in school.Facebooklogo

Here are 12 geeky Facebook applications that can help you select the right classes, get class notes, find a college roommate, and so much more.

Professor Ratings
This Pick-a- Prof application provides you with ratings on instructors and profs from fellow Facebook users. It’s a great way to narrow down your choices the next time you need to enroll in a class.

Get Your Class Notes
Ever miss a class and really need to get those notes? Well, have no fear. This class notes app allows you to search and find notes uploaded by your fellow students. This can definitely be a lifesaver.

Hey Math
This math application allows you instant access to a wonderful library of flash-based math movies. These cool online tutorials can give you a quick overview of common math concepts in algebra, geometry, trig, and calculus.

Zoho Office Suite
Until Google Docs gets added to Facebook, we recommend using the Zoho Office Suite app. This module allows you to have easy access to all your online docs, spreadsheets, or powerpoint presentations. Very cool.

Easy Bibliography Generator
This nifty application allows you to quickly cite a work for your paper. Just plug in your info and then select MLA, APA, Chicago, or Turabian to get the proper formatting.

Ask Questions, Get Answers
Instead of leaving Facebook to post questions at Yahoo Answers, you can simply submit your question right from your profile page. This question can then be quickly answered by Facebook community members.

Facebook Courses allows you to find classmates, and post your current courses right on your profile. This app also allows you to network with current classmates through a handy discussion board. You can even upload files, study guides, or whatever to fellow classmates.

Share Homework
Need help with a class? Share Homework allows you to find lecture notes, test help, and other study materials from classmates (and those who have taken that class in the past). It’s a great way to get advice and help for your next test or paper.

Storage Space
This handy application is powered by, and it allows you easily store and share your favorite documents, spreadsheets, pics, movie files, music, or whatever. It’s basically your own virtual hard drive. You get 20MB to start, and 20MB for every friend within Facebook that uses this application.

Find Cheap Textbooks
Did you know that the average college student in 2004 spent about $900 bucks on textbooks. And that’s probably on the low end now. Well, this application allows you quickly scan tons of websites selling the textbooks you need. Sure, there are a bunch of websites that already do this–but it’s sorta nice to have access to it from your Facebook profile.

Roomster can help you quickly find roommates and apartments near your campus. And this application can be used with complete anonymity. There are over 1 million active listings.

Scholarium is a comprehensive application that allows you to share your class schedules, find classmates, rate your profs, and find out what other classmates are doing. This is a pretty cool module that is gaining in popularity.

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How To Pimp My Ipod With Wikipedia?

Pimp Your iPod with Wikipedia

ipod wikiOkay, so there’s this FREE software project called “EncycloPODia” that found a way to hack Wikipedia and get that massive library onto your iPod .

Right now, you can download the English,German, and Italian versions of Wikipedia.And I think a bunch of other language versions are in the works.

This hack should work on most iPods (generations 1 through 4), as well as iPod Minis and your standard Photo iPod.

The installation process is pretty simple, so check out all the instructions and start downloading the Wikipedia library.

Oh, and if you don’t want to go through the trouble of downloading the Wikipedia library on your iPod, you can download the Wikipedia CD 1.0 at BitTorrent. It’s filled with educational articles for students on subjects like science, geography, plants, animals . . . yeah, you get the picture.

Wikipedia Access On Phone

How to Access Wikipedia on Your Cell Phone

So if having Wikipedia on your iPod isn’t enough, you can also get access to Wikipedia on your cell phone using Wapedia or Wikipedia mobile.

Yeah, now you can amaze your friends with your knowledge of botany, astronomy, and geography by simply accessing Wikipedia on your cell or PDA.

Social Netwerk Hacks

Social Networking Hacks

social networkSo I’ve been spending a lot of time researching online social networks for my grad project – and I stumbled across a variety of websites that aggregate online social profiles.

These sites allow you to manage multiple social network accounts and keep tabs on what you’re friends are doing online.

Digsby helps you organize all your email, instant messaging, and social networking accounts. This is only available for Windows right now.

Fidg’t aggregates friends in your email address book all into one spot. One of the nifty features about this site is the “Network Visualizer” that allows you to create “tag magnets” to see who in your network is posting items about that subject you’re interested in.

Keep tabs on what all your friends are doing online with FriendFeed. You simply import your email address book and then FriendFeed scans the web looking for Amazon wish lists, diggs, flickr accounts, linkedIn profiles, blogs, social bookmarks, etc. This should be called SpyFeed.

Fuser allows you to manage multiple email/inmail accounts (even within your online social networks). There’s even a social network leaderboard that shows you which of your friends on MySpace and Facebook communicate with you most (for whatever that’s worth).

HelloTxt allows you to simply – and very easily – update your Twitter, Jaiku, Pownce, Facebook, and MySpace pages with the click of a mouse. You simply type in your message into a text box, and then submit it off to whatever networks you choose. Pretty simple.

Iminta is a website that allows you to create unique feeds for your various online activities. For example, you can create a specific feed for your best friend that only aggregates info from your Facebook, Flickr, and MySpace page, but it won’t pull in the articles/websites that your digging, bookmarking, or voting on.

MyLifeBrand allows you to manage up to 8 of your online social networks – like MySpace, Facebook, LinkedIn – without needing to log into each one. You can also easily gather all email/inmail messages from across all the social networks you belong to. This can save you a lot of time.
If you’re an online social butterfly and like to post the same information in your Facebook account, Twitter, Tumblr, and/or WordPress blog – then is for you. You simply add your content once – and will add the same content for you across all those networks.

Socialthing! is in private beta right now, but it aggregates all the activity from your friends once you import your email contact list. It will grab their flickr accounts, twitter updates, blogs, pownce info, and give it all to you in one nifty looking news feed. helps you keep updated on what all your friends are doing online (sort of like a Facebook news stream), and easily allows you to import all your activities from, digg, youtube, flickr, tumblr, etc. You can also upload videos and images into your page.

This is another “spy” website that allows you to track everything your friends are doing online. It aggregates their StumbleUpon data, digg votes, flickr account, facebook profile, myspace updates, etc.

Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) The Genuis

Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519)

He was estranged from his father. One of his most frequently cited childhood memories was finding a terrifying cave where he felt monsters lurked. He learned through apprenticeship.

Birth nameLeonardo di ser Piero da Vinci
BornApril 15, 1452
Vinci,Republic of Florence, in the present day Province of Florence, Italy
DiedMay 2, 1519 (aged 67)
Amboise, Touraine (in present-day Indre-et-Loire, France)
FieldMany and diverse fields of artsand sciences
MovementHigh Renaissance
WorksMona Lisa, The Last Supper, The Vitruvian Man

Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci (April 15, 1452 – May 2, 1519) was an

Italian polymath: painter, sculptor, architect, musician, scientist, mathematician,engineer, inventor, anatomist, geologist, cartographer, botanist and writer. Leonardo has often been described as the archetype of the Renaissance Man, a man of "unquenchable curiosity" and "feverishly inventive imagination".[1] He is widely considered to be one of the greatestpainters of all time and perhaps the most diversely talented person ever to have lived.[2]According to art historian Helen Gardner, the scope and depth of his interests were without precedent and "his mind and personality seem to us superhuman, the man himself mysterious and remote".[1] Marco Rosci points out, however, that while there is much speculation about Leonardo, his vision of the world is essentially logical rather than mysterious, and that the empirical methods he employed were unusual for his time.

You'll Find More At Wikipedia